CooperÖstlund new service partner for MAN Rollo

Family Business Cooperöstlund - Award-Winning Specialist in Gas Engines

CooperÖstlund is your go-to expert in MAN Gas Engine maintenance on Natural, Bio and Landfill gas. Offering O&M servicing, repair, overhauls and improvement, plus parts supply helping clients deliver a cost-effective and reliable output from their Gas Engine equipment.

Established in 2006 and still owned by the two same families, the Cooper’s and the Ostlund’s. We are proud to have members of staff who started off as apprentices and now hold Senior Managers and Director positions at CooperÖstlund after 15 years’ service.

Customised support

Our vision and purpose is to deliver excellence in service and support to our clients providing them with a professional but personalised service. Empowering customers with the knowledge and tailored support to get the best possible performance from their MAN gas engine energy plant. We understand that no two sites are the same, and we always take business type, energy requirements and operational processes into close consideration when running, servicing and supporting a customer. We look at engine performance to maximise a plants output efficiencies using the MAN product.

Service in the entire united kingdom

CooperÖstlund has headquarters in Northamptonshire, where we have our Operations Support Teams plus a fully equipped overhaul workshop and extensive parts storage facility. Our service teams and engineers are located across the UK from sites in Cornwall and into the boarders of Scotland, we pride ourselves on delivering an efficient, effective, friendly service. Providing 365 day call-out response and proven high engine availability and reliability figures for O&M clients, plus we offer same day next day parts delivery for any MAN gas engine customers. Our clients benefit (through CooperOstlund, now supported by MAN Rollo) from a wealth of knowledge on MAN Gas engines.

Extensive experience in various industries

Our clients benefit (through CooperOstlund, now supported by MAN Rollo) from a wealth of knowledge on MAN Gas engines. We have supported MAN Gas engine clients in a variety of industry sectors including NHS, manufacturing, agriculture, leisure centres, and universities. Running on natural gas, biogas and some on landfill gas technologies delivered through over 17 years in business for these different gas solutions and MAN Gas engines.

Lots of expertise in-house

As an official service partner of MAN Rollo, CooperÖstlund is able to offer extensive support to MAN customers with the full backing of MAN Rollo.. CooperOstlund employs qualified gas engine engineers for all aspects of your gas engine operation and are looking to grow and support more clients in 2023.

Dan Walters (Chief Operating Officer): “I feel that at the heart of CooperÖstlund’s success is our dedicated team who are keen, committed, enthusiastic and experienced, each and every team member plays a hugely valuable role in CooperÖstlund’s continued success to date and working with the MAN product which is now enhanced by the support from MAN Rollo (100 years partner of MAN). We believe this collaboration will benefit both companies in delivering brand support to a growing customer base in the UK with MAN engines.”

Contact persons

Have a question about our products? Please contact one of these persons.

Power Generation
Marine Engines


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